We started this venture with the hopes of helping people understand how easily a gluten-free diet can be accommodated. Educating restaurant owners and operators on minimal changes resulting in happy clients and increased revenues. Educating families who have had someone close to them diagnosed with a condition completely unfamiliar to them.
When diagnosed with celiac in 2011, there were not many resources available to help Melissa understand this disease. “What can I eat, what can’t I eat, where should I shop, are there any good restaurants around here with something other than a salad, no croutons?!” Through a lot of self-education, trial and error, and some minimal recipe adaptations, we can happily say we are living a pretty delicious lifestyle. And now we want to share that with you.
Whatever your need may be – adapting your restaurant’s menu options, figuring out weekly family meals, prepping and menu-planning for the upcoming holiday or big event you’re hosting, or you just want to know how to incorporate a few small changes for a big impact, let us help you figure it out.
Bon Appétit, Mangia, and Eat Well. We look forward to working with you!
Our Team
Meet the people who are going to take your business to the next level.